July 24, 2024

LifeSpring is Moving Upstairs!

The LifeSpring staff is slightly excited about moving upstairs

Dear Friends of LifeSpring,

Many of you have seen our beautiful space on the 1st floor of the 3rd & Central Medical Building. When we moved in back in April of 2020, we never dreamed we would outgrow it so fast. But on April 29th, we are moving upstairs and more than doubling our space in order to serve more children and families in the Chattanooga area. AND WE CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!

3 Ways to Give:

  1. Below is a list of specific items we must have to operate at full capacity in our new space. You can click on the link to order the item.
  2. Donate through our secure website.
  3. We also have an Amazon Smile Charity List where you can purchase items we need!

Please consider making a financial gift of any amount to enable us to see new patients and serve new families.

Thank you,

Michele Pickett, M.D.

Co-Founder & Executive Director

Medical Items Needed:


Flag System (need 7) $46.35 Total: $324.45

Height Measurement (need 2) $127.49 Total: $254.98

Sharps Containers for Exam Rooms (need 7) $55.55 Total: $388.85

Scope Mount (need 2) $1,121.25 Total: $2,242.50

Anti-theft Locking Collars for Scope (need 2) $46.22 Total: $92.44

Pediatric Exam Table with Scale (need 1) $2,686.12 Total: $2,686.12

Specimen Box (need 1) $317.39 Total: $317.39

Pediatric Exam Table (need 2) $986.83 Total: $1,973.66